[lead]Technology Recyclers has partnered with Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana as the electronics recycling partner for the Shred it, identity theft awareness events. Crime Stoppers uses the recycling events as their primary fundraiser to create funds that can pay tipsters reward money. The short of it, is that by coming out and recycling documents and electronics, computers and Hard Drives, you are not only protecting your own identity, You are helping the community in a big way – YOU ARE HELPING TO GET CRIMINALS Caught and OFF THE STREETS.
We are proud to be a supporter of Crime Stoppers, and wanted to say thank you to all who attended this and other events.
On 4-26-14 5 events were held around the city, including Carmel and Greenwood. Carmel was the attendance winner, with an estimated 1500 cars through in 3 hours.
Many tons of Paper and Electronics were recycled thanks to you.

Technology Recyclers – WE are the official sponsors of Tomorrow.